Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Session 2 - Summary (14/11/17)

In today’s session we began thinking about how our display should look and planning on what we will put on there that would attract the attention of all the children. We discussed and agreed that we would like the display to be interactive and be a way for the children to show and express their enjoyment when it comes to reading. Before this session we had already looked at ideas on what we wanted the display to look like, below is the image we got our idea from.

(Pansera, no date) 

In this session we were shown where their art cupboard is located and told that we would be able to use all resources needed. We began writing a list of items that we will be using from their cupboard and then discussed that we may need further equipment that they didn’t not have.

Our group had discussed with the assistant head teacher that we also alongside our display board wanted to do a paired writing. Where the key stage 2 boys would write a short story or book review explaining what they were reading and then give it to the younger key stage 1 groups to read and enjoy reading. The assistant head teacher Isaac did like the idea however, said that due to short timings we would not be able to complete this idea. Therefore, we had to change our session 3 plan. During the lessons we were able to take children and read with them, this made up for the loss on one of our project ideas we had.

We had one library slot at 10:30 and then again at 11:30. The first slot we had a group of year 3/4. During our first slot we were asked by their teacher to read with the children who needed extra support which we were able to take into a separate room and support them when they needed it.

For our second slot we had the assistant head teacher’s year 5/6 group. As most of them are green or blue level they didn’t need as much support as the younger year groups but Isaac had given us some children who he thought could do with further scaffolding (Vygotsky, 1978) in their reading.


In Session 2 we discussed with Isaac that we had wanted to do a paired reading with key stage 1 children and key stage 2 but he had told us we wouldn’t be able to as the children don’t have any more room in their school timetable.

We then spent the morning part of this session looking around their art supplies and gathering our ideas for our display board. This allowed us to be productive for the morning part of our session.

An improvement we had set ourselves was that we could had brought in some stuff to get ready to put on our display. We could have started to get ideas on names for our pathways and began cutting in this session.

Instead of the topic idea that we wanted to put on the display we have decided to do more book reviews and after research create an interactive aspect. (See post about display towards the end of the blog.)

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