Saturday, 2 December 2017

Need Analysis of St Mary's Catholic School

The needs of St. Marys Catholic School stated by Assistant head teacher Isaac in his email, are to help raise the achievement in boys reading and selected groups. When we have our meeting with Isaac we will tell him the ideas we have to help them meet their needs.
We will discuss with Isaac that the use of displays is highly appealing to younger children and that it may attract a lot more of an audience including new children to the library. The need to have a display board is to engage children in the reading and to take action and further their reading for home time. Along with the display we have found a need to attract more children to the library would be if the display is interactive, we have began thinking about ideas and one we have found would be interesting is a ‘topics’ section. The children would get a topic each month such as December and for that month they would have to recommend a book they have read that is to do with Christmas. They would get to write this on the display board it will become more interactive and appealing to the children meeting their needs to read more as it will encourage them to read more so they are able to put up their book on the display.

As a group we decided that in creating a library corner it will benefit the children in terms that they take charge in their learning by sitting on the chair or bean bag and initiate a guided reading session where the children ask about what the other children are reading.  Every library slot the children have the teacher would get to choose a child they would make the ‘teacher’, this will help in getting the children to explain reasons as to why something is happening in the book they are reading and what they think will happen next. They will only get to read a section of each book as they will all be reading different books however, they are able to listen and observe the other children and potentially gain ideas as to what to read next.

The need is to raise achievement, our research shows us that peer reading would benefit children in seeing reading other key stages have completed and get feedback on what they have wrote. This is beneficial as it will help with children’s confidence and writing as well as reading skills. Therefore, we need to implement it to meet the children’s need.

Overall, to meet St. Marys need of raising achievements in boys and selected groups we will plan to meet what the children think will encourage them to read more. When we meet the children, it will be discussed what we plan on doing and from their reactions it will indicate to us whether they the ideas are helpful or not. 

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